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Beyond Theism and Atheism

Atheism is certainly not a new phenomena as there have always been such thinkers since ancient times. Yet atheism in modern times seems driven more as a reaction to fanatical religious dogma than by rational argument.

Brahma carving from Hucchappayya gudi, Aihole. Now at CSMVS Museum, Mumbai [Attribution: Jean-Pierre Dalbéra from Paris, France, CC BY 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons]

Indeed, often times the arguments of the atheist are as irrational as those of religious fanatics. When presented with an intelligent proposal, a rationalist should be willing to accept it, regardless of where that proposal leads, even if it leads to undermine his atheistic world view. Such would be the mentality of a real seeker of truth or science.

It would seem that the discourse between the theist and the atheist is perpetually in a gridlock. However, the student of Bhagavad-gita does not consider either the so-called theist or the atheist to have complete knowledge. It may even be that sometimes the atheist is more correct in his opinion than the so-called theist. The theist establishes his God, and the atheist, upon examining the statements of the so-called theist, discovers that the God in question is wrathful, vindictive, jealous, vengeful, sadomasochistic etc. In this instance we would have to agree with the atheist – there is no such God.

However, the atheist then concludes that in the absence of God, the universe and all life within it has come from nothing – yet he has no experience or proof that something can arise from nothing. His proposal is thus self-defeating.

Both ‘God’ and His non-existence are but misconceptions in the minds of the so-called theist and the atheist. However, the student of Bhagavad-gita knows that the subject matter is not a thesis about ‘God’. Bhagavad-gita is a discourse aimed at enlightenment in the Absolute Truth. The Absolute Truth contains all things known, knowable and unknown – before the universe, within the universe, after the universe and beyond the universe.

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Swami Vishnu
Swami Vishnu
28 черв. 2023 р.

Swami Narasingha has once again given a perfect analysis of theism & atheism, an eternal debate, which neither side is willing to lose. But knowing one is right gives a deep satisfaction that is not available to those of shallow thought. True scientific pursuit will consider all possible truths (as possibilities until proven otherwise), even when one disagrees with such.

For, are we not, seeking out the Absolute Truth, no matter where or how we find it. For one cannot hide the sun when it rises. It is self effulgent. Yet, Krsna only reveals Himself to the devoted. . . dadami buddhi yogam tam. Swami B B Vishnu

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